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Bequest: Kristen Lindquist and Paul Doiron

Bequest: Kristen Lindquist and Paul Doiron

Up a steep bank from the Megunticook River in Camden stands the modest home of writers Kristen Lindquist and Paul Doiron. A poet and naturalist, Kristen is the author of Tourists in the Known World: New & Selected Poems. Paul, former editor at Down East, writes the Mike Bowditch series of crime novels.

The two were born and raised in Maine. Having worked for nonprofits - Kristen as development director for Coastal Mountains Land Trust, Paul as head of Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance - they understand the role philanthropy can play in community-building.

Kristen's appreciation of that role grew through her involvement with MaineCF's Knox County Committee. "The volunteer advisors take their responsibility as grantmakers seriously," she notes, "and are aware of needs across the county." The committee's dedication influenced her and Paul's decision to set up a bequest that will go to the Knox County Fund.

Lindquist and Doiron, who love the place they call home, feel their bequest will help sustain and improve the quality of life in Knox County. "It's important that we make a bequest now, even though our estate is small," says Paul. "We hope it will be a lot larger years from now," adds Kristen, "but the point is: you don't have to be wealthy to be thinking about a legacy."

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